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Opportunities: At the UK-Caribbean Forum

We had the privilege of attending the inaugural UK-Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum on November 28th, 2023, and we are excited to share the invaluable insights gained during this remarkable event, organized in collaboration with DMA Invest, The Caribbean Council, UK Export Finance, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It was an honour to represent Bedford Pay, with our COO, Mr. Ritvars Radvilavics, personally invited to partake in this significant gathering.

🤝 A Gateway to Collaboration

The forum, meticulously organized by DMA, proved to be a natural extension of their commitment to fostering connections. Focused on 15 Caribbean nations, the event showcased the potential for trade and investment in the region. It went beyond a mere conference, providing a platform for Caribbean governments to present comprehensive economic development agendas and outline bankable projects, facilitating a deeper understanding of the region’s potential.

🥇 Thought Leadership in Action

The Ministerial Presentations were a highlight, featuring distinguished figures such as Hon. Floyd O’Brian Green, Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon, Hon. Michel Chebat, and Prime Minister Hon. Dickon Mitchell. Their insights into agriculture, trade, industry, and energy were enlightening, setting the tone for substantive discussions on the Caribbean’s offerings.

🌱 Sustainable Futures and Investment Prospects

The session on Natural Resources, Renewables & Sustainable Infrastructure was particularly enlightening. The focus on reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels and promoting renewable energy sources aligned with the Caribbean’s commitment to sustainability. Discussions led by industry leaders emphasized the region’s non-fossil fuel wealth and the potential for green investments.

🌉 Building Bridges and Strengthening Ties

The event was more than a networking opportunity; it was a platform for soft diplomacy, fostering parliamentary and industry visits. With senior government representatives and delegates from the private sector, including a diverse UK delegation, the forum served as a melting pot for ideas, collaborations, and potential projects.

🚢 🏗️ 🛫 Exploring Core Infrastructure

The discussions on Core Infrastructure – Port, Harbour and Airport development brought attention to the critical need for improved transportation systems. The exploration of bankable projects demonstrated a global interest in investing in sectors vital for trade, tourism, and overall mobility within the Caribbean islands.

🌊 Blue and 🌿 Green Economies

The final session on The Blue and green Economies highlighted the vast potential of the Caribbean. With its rich coastline and marine biodiversity, the region can spearhead sustainable initiatives in fisheries, marine tourism, and renewable energy. The session showcased the commitment of Caribbean nations to a green renewable energy transition.

🙏 A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our deepest gratitude to DMA Invest, The Caribbean Council, UK Export Finance, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for orchestrating this transformative event. Special thanks to Lord Henry Bellingham, Tim Reid, and Rt Hon Lord Bruce of Bennachie for their inspiring welcome remarks.

In conclusion, the UK-Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum was more than an event; it was an experience that opened doors, forged connections, and illuminated the immense potential for collaboration between the UK and the Caribbean. As we look forward to future collaborations, we are confident that the seeds sown during this forum will blossom into fruitful partnerships, driving business between the UK and Caribbean nations. ✨

#TradeAndInvestment #CaribbeanPartnership #Sustainability #InternationalTrade #DMAInvest #UKExportFinance

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